Thursday, August 20, 2009


前几天的晚上,我突然觉得我很想谈恋爱。我的手好像很久没有人牵了。很好笑!可能是在最近的convocation看见很多senior们,双双对对,很甜蜜。我似乎也很久没谈恋爱了,开始很怀念恋爱的感觉。我告诉朋友,朋友叫我去冲凉,冷静点。哈哈!家人问我“大学没有男生咩?” 哈哈,男生多得很,只是mami~你以为选男朋友,像在巴杀选菜那样咩?哈哈!

Previous night, suddenly i felt like wanna fall in relationship. My hands seem like didn't hold by boyfriend for so long, very funny bout this kinda feeling! Maybe is because recently i saw many seniors, all are couples, so sweet! I seem like didn't fall in love for so long, start to miss that kinda feeling. I told my friend, he asked me to take a cold shower, calm me down. Haha! My parent asked me: "USM don't have guys meh?" Haha! Yes, alots! but mami, you thought pick bf is like pick vege in the market meh? hahA!


I heard of this song, Haha! I think this song is better than take a cold shower~


If you are like me also, suddenly have this kind of feeling to fall in love, let's us gambate! Since true love need wait; when the time is come, God will put the Right one beside you. That's what i believe!


Simply find someone to love, later you will realise: this kinda love, comes and goes quickly.

Let's us


  1. hahaha...i know you also same as wait together la! see God's timing, whose is faster~ ahaha!! let's us wait patiently!

  2. Hmm...Have to be patient and pray, and wait upon the Lord to answer your prayer...
    His timing is the best!
    I dare you to pray, for half year, if you can.
    It's a love the life time, so no harm spent some time pray and seek to see whom God has in mind for you.....
    Romans 8:28

  3. Half year~ I do start to pray for my partner since my first year in my Uni,just not everyday. Haha.. Thanks for you remind!I believe His timing is the best timing for me! By the way, you didn't leave your name there... Mind to tell me your name?

  4. Oh! You have been praying! That's good.
    Good that you seek him. This shows that you put into practice what you believe. I like that. People now seldom practice what they believe. Theory they know, but action wise very hard....
    May the Lord answer your prayer, in His timing.
    But be ready to hear His answer, it can be "yes", can be "no", it's still His answer.
    Get it?

    My name will remain as "hello there!" for the time being.... kekeke...

  5. Kek si wa~ i thought i can know your name when i saw there is another comment. What make you so mistery that can't show your name? Be the real YOU ma~ Haha... Haha, i don't think that i will remain single throughout my life~ hehe!!Pray that I wouldn't see this sign from Him ..haha!

  6. The real me is..... I am a 隐士...
    Can guess who I am?
    Actually, not fun playing like this.... because you will never know, unless the Lord tell you.... or, I reveal myself.
    Yah, I also think you won't be single lah, just pray lah!

    Welcome more conversation like these...

  7. Hmm... Maybe, sometimes you don't know who I am would be better. You can share, and I can give you guidance....

    (oish.... as if I am a wise old man on the mountain!!)


  8. 每个人都很憧憬恋爱,但恋爱却并非他/她想象那样。

  9. Small wei wei, I just saw this post and...
    I have the same feeling as u for quite a while dy.Haha..Let's wait patiently together!=)
