这首歌完全表达我的心声 回想到前年回家时 我去interview part time RedBull 你说你要陪我一起进去 我说不用了 我长大了,可以自己进去了
听到这首歌 回想起这画面 在你心里 我是真的永远长不大的女儿
在外留学 真的可以让一个人独立成长
...... You can let go now, Daddy You can let go Oh, I think I'm ready To do this on my own It still feels a little bit scary But i want you to know I'll be okay now, Daddy You can let go
There’s always going to be another mountain I’m always going to want to make it move Always going to be an uphill battle, Sometimes I'm going to have to lose, Ain’t about how fast I get there, Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side It’s the climb
I can almost see it That dream I’m dreaming but There’s a voice inside my head sayin, You’ll never reach it, Every step I’m taking, Every move I make feels Lost with no direction My faith is shaking but I Got to keep tryin Got to keep my head held high
There’s always going to be another mountain I’m always going to want to make it move Always going to be an uphill battle, Sometimes I'm going to have to lose, Ain’t about how fast I get there, Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side It’s the climb
Today is my country and coursemate's birthday, at the same date, my friend's mom passed away. i had been thinking about death in this month I'm sure that I can go to heaven at the end my of space life. Because this is the promise from God, whoever believes in Him, he or she will get it.
Through the phone,i heard my friend's cry,i felt painful What if i were her? i don't know how strong i can be in this situation
Sometimes, i miss my family in Kuching while i am now in Penang. when i think about the future, I'm afraid to think further That will be my most unwanted moment in my life. As parent grew old day by day, one day, their life will end. I just pray that they had accepted God as their Lord So that we can reunite in heaven again
Daddy Mommy, God loves you... And I love you too...
Previous night, suddenly i felt like wanna fall in relationship. My hands seem like didn't hold by boyfriend for so long, very funny bout this kinda feeling! Maybe is because recently i saw many seniors, all are couples, so sweet! I seem like didn't fall in love for so long, start to miss that kinda feeling. I told my friend, he asked me to take a cold shower, calm me down. Haha! My parent asked me: "USM don't have guys meh?" Haha! Yes, alots! but mami, you thought pick bf is like pick vege in the market meh? hahA!
I heard of this song, Haha! I think this song is better than take a cold shower~
If you are like me also, suddenly have this kind of feeling to fall in love, let's us gambate! Since true love need wait; when the time is come, God will put the Right one beside you. That's what i believe!
Simply find someone to love, later you will realise: this kinda love, comes and goes quickly.
I listened to my handphone music in the bus yesterday... the story came out from the song. Each song contains each story, certain main character, different feeling or emotion and unforgettable memories.
This is the song i listen to it every night and it accompany me go through all the things in this two months. It gave me strength to stand firm.
Lord, i Believe Your love and Your promises. Love make us together.
Thanks for the person who introduce me this song. I hope this song also encourage you and give you strength everyday.
我是O+血型,48公斤(原来45公斤以下的不能捐),健康。我也算大牌啊,第一次捐血有三个朋友和我助阵,谢谢燕萍、Lawrence和Shirley。躺下去,完了!他把针插下去了!仍然没有勇气看它~一点痛咯,像被蚂蚁咬到那样(讲到蚂蚁就讨厌,前一个星期被黑蚂蚁咬到,脚肿的很厉害!)我躺在床上,闷了。打电话回家show off 一下,哈哈!因为我是家里第一个女的捐血,很光宗耀主的事叻!(哈哈,没有那么严重啦!)
第四天,是Hong Kong Party!我们都玩得很疯!很感恩神,透过这次难得的机会,我终于完整地把四律和我的同科系朋友分享,是撒种!Peter说得对:不一定是传了福音,对方接受主才算感恩;只要是撒种,有一天会有收割的时候。之后和每个香港朋友拍张独照留念,真怕那晚过后会没机会了!之后,很高兴有机会参加他们的群体分享。明天是联合土族学生交流空间(Campus Life Connection),他们会分享这里学习的见证,鸿源会翻译。顿时,在想:身为翻译系的学生,我是不是该出份点力呢?我怕~因为我不曾在台上做过翻译员!